
Restoring Cavan's Bogland

The Restoring Cavan's Boglands team recently hosted a field trip to Killyconny Bog in Mullagh, an exquisite example of restored bog and what communities can achieve, right here in Cavan.

Get in touch with the RCB team to find out about talks and field trips happening this year by emailing:

Music accompaniment by composer Ian Wilson. Creative Climate Action Cavan project.


Restoring Cavan’s Boglands, a Creative Climate Action project, is back for 2024 with two upcoming events. A talk and Q&A will take place at Templeport Resource Centre with presentations by hydrologist Francis Mackin, an expert in Irish boglands, Heather Bothwell, local biodiversity expert and West Cavan Bogs Association member and Composer Ian Wilson on Tuesday 26th March at 7pm. As part of the event Ian will present some of the field recordings he has captured so far in Cavan bogland. These recordings will form part of a new music composition that the contemporary classical composer is working on. The piece will be ready for public dissemination in September 2023 with a concert scheduled for West Cavan. The second event is a field trip to the Girley Bog in Co. Meath with bog guide and expert Kate Flood on Saturday April 13th. We are hoping participants on the trip will assist Ian to get more audio and they will be encouraged to get out their mobile phones to capture the sounds of the bog and the associated wildlife. Restoring Cavan's Boglands project is a Creative Ireland project that aims to address the important issue of bog health. Historically in Ireland many bogs were drained and so lack the qualities of wet bogland which, as well as sequestering carbon, naturally attracts a great variety of flora and fauna.

The man behind the project, composer Ian Wilson, is aiming to engage with communities, interested individuals and landowners to encourage and educate people about rewetting boglands and the positive impacts it can have.


The Restoring Cavan’s Boglands is a free project open to people from all across County Cavan who are interested in finding out more about bogland.


To register your interest in the project email:

Call 085 103 05 69

Or visit West Cavan Bogs Association on facebook for all the latest updates.


Restoring Cavan’s Bog’s is a recipient of the Creative Climate Action project, an initiative from the Creative Ireland Programme. It is funded by the Department of

Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media in collaboration with the Department of

the Environment, Climate and Communications. The fund supports creative, cultural and

artistic projects that build awareness around climate change and empower citizens to make

meaningful behavioural transformations.



Further information on the Climate Action

Fund is available at the following link:


13 Feb 2024


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